Celebrating 8th Anniversary of Reiki Amazes

Connect with Angels

Angels & Archangels are messengers of God. They guide and protect us, offering comfort and support in difficult situations. You just need to ask for help.

Attract Abundance & Prosperity

Develop Wealth Consciousness to attract abundance & prosperity in life. Learn everything you need to know about it through various courses.

Strengthen Relationships

Loving relationships are the foundation of a healthy family.  Learn to let go, release and attract love into your life, through our different courses and  resources.

Feeling stuck because you are not Reiki attuned?

If you’re an energy healer, I am sure you must be excited about trying different healing modalities but haven’t been attuned to Reiki yet, you might feel a bit stuck.

Not being attuned can make you think you’re missing out on the full benefits of various healing modalities.

Even if you are not attuned to Reiki, I will teach you how to attune yourself and others with confidence which opens the door to earning a living through learning healing modalities.

What is Inner Zen?

Inner Zen is a community where you can learn to connect with various higher frequencies like Angels and Archangels, elevate your money frequency through our different courses at a highly discounted prices.

Attuning your first student can be a challenge. I’m going to teach you how to self attune yourself , and attune others confidently, that will bring you new clients on autopilot so that you can focus on your passion – healing

You get access to more than 15 courses + you will get access to our resource library, which includes Affirmation audios, Affirmation cards, Journal and workbooks at no extra cost!

Inner Zen Membership Library

Get access to Inner Zen for just $8/month

Learn more about the courses included below:



Join Inner Zen for Free!

  • Free Courses
  • 1 Guided Meditation
  • 1 Audio
  • 1 Journal Workbook


8$ / 30 Days

As a Premium Member, You Get Full Access to 15+ courses + Content Library Updated Monthly.

Everything in the Premium plan, plus

  • 15+ Courses
  • Access to Content Library
  • Live Monthly Call
  • Live Reiki Sessions

Premium Pro

88$ / 1 Year

As a Premium Plus Member, You Will Get Access to All The Courses, Content Library + All Future Courses Free!

Everything in the Premium Pro plan, plus

  • All New Courses Free! (Minimum 4)
  • Monthly Personalized Reiki Session
  • Priority Support
  • Create Your Own Course
Shandy-Money Reiki Student

I am Jivita, Reiki Master Teacher, and Law of Attraction Coach. I am dabbling in energy healing for the last 15 years.

For the last 8 years, I have been offering Trainings and Attunements online through my website Reiki Amazes.

No matter if you’re experienced or just starting out, I look forward to having you on board!

Get ready to start your journey toward a healthier, more balanced life.

The path to peace and prosperity begins right here!

Reiki Blessings,


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