Origin and Meaning of the Word Lakshmi

Ashta Lakshmi Reiki

Hey it’s Jivita from reikiamazes.com and welcome back to Ashta Lakshmi Reiki. This is session 1: Origin and Meaning of the Word Lakshmi

In this lesson, we’re going to talk about the origin of the word Lakshmi, from where it originated and different meanings of the word Lakshmi. Once you know the different meanings of the word Lakshmi, I am sure you will easily resonate with the different forms of Ashta Lakshmi.

So let’s get started!
 The word “Lakshmi”  has its roots in Sanskrit, and it has different variations of the Original word Lakshyam.

LakShyam: It means goal.
LakShaNaM: This term relates to aspects, characterist or traits.
LakSha: Translates to a large number, like a lakh or 100,000, and also signifies sight.
LakShaM: Refers to a target.

So, when we say Lakshmi, we are talking about a goal, aspects, a large number, and a target.

Now, let’s talk about who Lakshmi is. Lakshmi is more than just a word; she is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. And when we say prosperity, it’s not just about money but also about spiritual well-being. Lakshmi is like the goal of life, covering both the material and spiritual aspects.

In Hindu mythology, Lakshmi is often referred to as Shri. She holds a special place as the divine partner of Lord Vishnu and is known as the Goddess of wealth and fortune. In the ancient Vedas, she is called Sri, symbolizing prosperity.

When you worship Lakshmi, it’s not just about asking for wealth; it’s about appreciating prosperity and feeling a responsibility towards it. Goddess Lakshmi is always depicted as a beautiful woman, standing or sitting on a lotus. She even holds lotuses in her hands and wears a lotus garland. Sometimes, you might see her depicted with four arms, and other times, with eight arms.

So, in this section, we’ve started our journey by understanding where the name Lakshmi comes from and who she is in the realms of wealth and spirituality. Now, let’s dive deeper into the eight forms of Lakshmi.

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Ok, so in this lesson we looked at the origin of the word Lakshmi and what are its different connotations.
In the next lesson, we’re going to discuss various symbols that are deeply attached to Goddess Lakshmi because those will help you to better understand the hidden meanings of different forms of Goddess Lakshmi and you don’t want them to miss

I’ll see you there