Aadi Lakshmi

Ashta Lakshmi Reiki

Hey there, I am Jivita from Reikiamazes.com and I welcome you to the third session of Ashta Lakshmi Reiki,The Eight Forms of Goddess Lakshmi

This session is all about discovering the eight forms of Goddess Lakshmi each bringing unique blessings.

The 8 forms of Goddess Lakshmi

We will learn about:

  • Adi Lakshmi which represents Omnipresence
  • Gajalakshmi for career growth
  • Dhanalakshmi for wealth
  • Dhanyalakshmi for agricultural success
  • Santanlakshmi for family blessings
  • Vijayalakshmi for victory and success
  • Vidyalakshmi for knowledge and
  • Dhairyalakshmi for inner strength

Let’s discuss in detail each form of Goddess Lakshmi.

The first form of Lakshmi is called Aadhi Lakshmi. ​ She is depicted in a sitting posture on a lotus flower. ​ Aadhi Lakshmi is considered the primeval form of Lakshmi. Aadhi Lakshmi also symbolizes the source and origin of all wealth, prosperity, and abundance in the universe. Aadhi Lakshmi is often depicted as a radiant and benevolent deity, showering blessings upon her devotees.

Aadhi Lakshmi is typically depicted as a beautiful goddess adorned with royal attire and ornaments. She is often portrayed with four hands, each holding symbolic objects such as a lotus flower, symbolizing purity and beauty; a pot of gold or grains, representing wealth and abundance; and sometimes, a gesture of blessing (Abhaya Mudra) and protection (Varada Mudra).

By worshipping Aadhi Lakshmi, one can benefit from the following: ​

  1. Blessings of wealth: Aadhi Lakshmi is associated with all forms of wealth. ​ By worshipping her, one can receive blessings for abundance and prosperity in all aspects of life. ​
  2. Spiritual growth: Aadhi Lakshmi represents the spiritual aspect of wealth. ​ By seeking her blessings, one can attain spiritual prosperity and growth along with material wealth. ​
  3. Serving humanity:​As the primal form of Lakshmi, Aadhi Lakshmi symbolizes generosity, grace, and benevolence. She is believed to be ever merciful and compassionate towards her devotees, granting their wishes and fulfilling their desires. By worshipping Aadhi Lakshmi, one can develop a sense of service and responsibility towards others, leading to personal growth and fulfillment.
  4. Connection with divine energy: Aadhi Lakshmi is the power of Narayana and represents the divine energy. ​ By connecting with her through worship, one can establish a deeper connection with the divine and experience the blessings of divine grace.
  5. Overall well-being: Worshipping Aadhi Lakshmi can bring blessings of health, peace, and harmony in life. ​ She is believed to bestow all forms of wealth, including love, peace, health, prosperity, luck, virtues, family, food, land, water, will power, intellect, character, and more. ​

To benefit from worshipping Aadhi Lakshmi, one can perform rituals and prayers dedicated to her. ​ This may include offering flowers, lighting incense, reciting mantras, and expressing gratitude for her blessings. It is important to approach the worship with faith, devotion, and a sincere heart to receive the maximum benefits.