Vidya Lakshmi

Ashta Lakshmi Reiki
Ashta Lakshmi Reiki Course - Vidya Lakshmi-Raja Ravi Verma

Vidhya Lakshmi is the seventh form of Lakshmi and she is the Goddess of education. ​By worshiping Vidya Lakshmi, one is blessed with good education and knowledge. ​ She is associated with the cultivation of talents and capabilities. It is believed that by receiving her grace, one attains wisdom in all matters. It’s a commonly known fact that Vidya Lakshmi also known as Goddess Saraswati blessed Kalidasa, making him one of the greatest poets in Sanskrit literature.

Vidya Lakshmi can help us achieve excellence in all of the following, by connecting with her and help us achieve following results.

  • Attaining Good Education: Vidhya Lakshmi blesses her devotees with good education and knowledge. ​ By worshipping her, one can receive the guidance and blessings needed to excel in their studies and acquire knowledge in various fields.
  • Developing Talents and Skills: Vidhya Lakshmi helps in the growth and exploration of talents and capabilities. ​ By seeking her grace, anyone can enhance their skills and abilities in different areas of interest.
  • Overcoming Poverty and Sorrow: The grace of Vidhya Lakshmi ensures that there is no poverty or sorrow in the place where her blessings are present. ​ By worshipping her, one can overcome financial difficulties and experience abundance in life. ​
  • Attaining Inner Joy: Vidhya Lakshmi symbolizes the inner harvest of abundance and joy. ​ Through patience and persistence, one can obtain the abundance of inner joy by seeking her blessings. ​
  • Imbibing Positive Qualities: Proper education, which is facilitated by Vidhya Lakshmi, helps in imbibing positive qualities such as serenity, regularity, sincerity, simplicity, integrity, and more. These qualities contribute to personal growth and lead to a fulfilling life.
  • Achieving Immortality: Vidhya Lakshmi is associated with the attainment of immortality. ​ Through education and knowledge, one can gain wisdom and understanding that transcends the limitations of mortal existence. Throughout history, numerous individuals have exemplified how education and knowledge can lead to profound wisdom and understanding that transcend mortal limitations. Icons such as Nelson Mandela, Marie Curie, Malala Yousafzai, Albert Einstein, and Mahatma Gandhi showcase the transformative power of learning.
  • Overcoming Hesitation and Confusion: By worshipping Vidhya Lakshmi, individuals can overcome hesitation and confusion when starting something new. ​ Her blessings provide clarity of mind, courage, and the ability to succeed in new endeavors.
  • Cultivating Humility and Adaptability: Education, guided by Vidhya Lakshmi, helps in cultivating qualities like humility and adaptability. ​ These qualities contribute to personal growth and enable individuals to navigate through various situations with grace and ease.
  • Leading a Life of Peace and Stability: Vidhya Lakshmi’s blessings lead to a life of peace and stability. ​ By seeking her grace, individuals can experience inner stability, patience, and the ability to face challenges with equanimity.

Obtaining Prosperity and Success: Education and knowledge, bestowed by Vidhya Lakshmi, open doors to prosperity and success in various aspects of life. ​ By worshipping her, individuals can attract opportunities and achieve their goals.

In the next lesson, we are going to discuss about Dhairya Lakshmi, see you there, but before that don’t forget to complete today’s exercise.

Exercise for this session of Vidya Lakshmi

Home Work

Consider the talents and skills you possess. How do you believe these talents can be further developed and nurtured? Reflect on how seeking the blessings of Vidhya Lakshmi can aid you in this process.

Reflect on the role of education in your life. How has education impacted your personal growth and development thus far? What are your aspirations for further education or learning?